Real-time Logging for IronWorker With Logentries

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When you a executing a job with Iron Worker Service and writing logs on STDOUT you have to wait that the job is terminated to read the log file. Not very convenient if want to see your logs in real time right ?

Iron blog wrote a post about how setup real time logging with papertrail.

This post is how setup real time logging with logentries.


Add a new logtype and select manual configuration

Logentries Manual Configuration

Select Plain UDP/TCP log type

Logentries Manual Configuration UDP

Copy/Paste the UDP or TCP port logentries just created for you

Logentries Manual Configuration Port


Go to your project settings and add endpoint with the port specified above.

IronWorker logs UDP configuration

You are all set !

It’s time now to relaunch a job and see your logs in real time.
